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Old Manorians Football Club


est. 1950

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Old Manorians Football Club

Records 1950 — 1975

Total of All Matches played by all teams

Played 2138 Won 969 Drawn 305 Lost 864 Goals For 6,391 Goals Against 5,221


League Matches

Played 1444 Won 607 Drawn 250 Lost 607 Goals For 4,311 Goals Against 5,428


Cup Matches

Played 222 Won 110 Drawn 13 Lost 99 Goals For 584 Goals Against 539


Friendly Matches

Played 472 Won 252 Drawn 62 Lost 158 Goals For 1,496 Goals Against 1,204


Records represent a personal point of view since they can be presented in a variety of ways. My aim has been to include as many different names as possible.

League, Cup and Friendly matches have been segregated in some records, but all games are in fact friendly matches once club honor and individual pride are the only matters ever at stake. There may be many mistakes, miss-spellings and omissions in these tables. My 4½ years of research, compilation and writing have not fitted in all the pieces of the puzzle. No goal scorers were recorded in 1950-51 and if records exist, they will be in the columns of the Wembley Observer now filed in Harrow Reference Library. No attempt has been made to seek out consecutive appearances or goalkeeping shut outs. Walter Buckley played more times in goal than anyone else. Barry Gordon was the most regular First XI keeper and Alan Morgan is generally reckoned to have been among the best. Six-a-side competitions are not included in any of the records, nor are matches involving any Manorians team playing against another. Double headers count as two appearances and most Boxing Day games against the O.G.s for the E Witson Trophy are recorded as cup matches and annual fixtures against the School are counted as friendlies. I regret that Captains of all teams except the First XI are not listed since it has been impossible to compile anything’ like a complete record. Individual records for some of the newer players have not been compiled either - their day will come. Many past players are not listed in the appearance’s records - the main list shows all (I hope) of those who have played over 100 games and the supplementary list remembers some ‘famous’ names from the past. No-one deserves higher praise than those listed as Team Secretaries, Match

Secretaries and simply Secretaries in the table of Club Officials. They have formed the backbone of the club for 25 years. Without their efforts our Saturday

afternoons would have been idle and our records lost. The other officials have done sterling work as have the unrecorded organizers of Easter Tours, countless social functions, training sessions and membership.

To all our wives, fiancées, girlfriends, mothers, daughters and sisters who have washed shirts and cooked or helped to provide catering, and to the lads who made teas and served beers, we say ‘Thank You’ a thousand times. Note that Val Grove (floe Keyes) is the only lass to have served on the Committee.

The prime innovators in setting up Old Manorians Football Club in the late 1940's included Fill Wigginton, Frank Hudson and Doug Tomlinson. The bulk of the preliminary work on individual records was completed by Andy Long and R.” Tom” Marshall with Dick Tay helping out on individual, team and club records. My thanks to Maggie May for innumerable cups of coffee, her patience and tolerance.

Garry May




First XI
League win: 13-0 v Minchendenians II 3/10/53. Also 11-1 v Ashfordians 17/3/51
Cup win: 13—2 v Challoners 5/1/57
Friendly win: 13-.2 v Kingsburians II 11/10/52
League defeat: 0-8 v Vanes 28/3/64. Also 2-8 v Southallians 2/2/57 1—8 v Enfield 5/11/60, 2-8 v Camdenians 7/9/63, 1-8 v Leyton 23/10/7l
Cup defeat: 5--10 v Tiffinians 4/1/58. Also 1—7 v Barn Hill 13/10/62 (Ndx.Int.Cup
Friendly defeat: 2-.8 v Strandians 7/3/64
Champions Division lI (West) 1950—51;

Division (North) 1954—55;

Senior Division 1955—56, 1965—66, 1969-70; Senior Division I 1974-75.

Semi—final L.0.E.Cup 1953-54, 1954—55, 1956-57, 1973-74, 1974—75.

Highest league position 3rd in Premier 1956-57 and 1958-59.

Club record of only 17 players used in a season


117 goals in all games 1954—55, 100 1965—66.

Least against 39 in 28 games 1955-56.

Highest against 95 in 31 games 1963-64. Most wins 24 in 2954-55.

Fewest defeats 3 in 33 games 1965-66


Second XI
League win: 15—2 v Alpertonians III 24/10/53. Also 14-0 v Southallians III 12/1/57,

l0-0 v Alpertonians II 25/1/69
Cup win: 8—5 v Neasdonians II a.e.t. 10/10/59. Also ?—0 v Quintinians 4/1/58, 7-1 v E.Barnet II 8/1/55
Friendly win: 10—3 v Sudbury Court IV 27/2/54. Also 8—0 v London Sch. Econ, 4/10/58

League defeat: 0.-12 v Challoners 28/12/63.

Also 2-l v Uffingtonians 22/2/64
Cup defeat: 1-9 v W.0.G.s II 26/12/63 (Hewitson Cup) Also 1—8 v Enfield 9/11/63
Friendly defeat: 2-20 v Newland Park College 13/10/51. Also 0-16 v Isleworthians IV 19/9/53, 1-12 v Greenfordians 9/11/68,

5—12 v Northolt Utd. 12/11/55
Champions Division 1II(Vest) 1954-55; Division II(West) 1956-57. Finalists L.0.L.Junior Cup 1959—60. Highest league position, bottom Inter. Division (North) 1970-71. Club record draw 7-7 in friendly 1951-52. 103 goals in 1954-55, 116 in 1956—57, lC5 in 1960-61.

Least against 46 in 26 games 1956-57.
Highest against 123 in 26 games 1963_64.

Fewest for 32 in 28 games 1973-74.
Most wins 21 in 1954—55. Fewest defeats 3 in 26 games 1956-57. Scored 38 and conceded 55 in 8 consecutive friendlies 1951—52, average 11.4 goals per game.
Longest run without a win 31/3/73 to 2/3/74.


Third XI
League win: 13—2 v fludians III 13/3/65. Also 11—2 v ‘V.0.G.s IV 4/1/58, 10-2 v W.0.G.s III 27/3/65
Cup win: 13—0 v Reigatians III 12/10/74 (AFA).

Also 10—0 v Meadonians III 5/ii/6o
Friendly win: 15-1 v Liverpool Victoria III 20/9/65
League defeat: 0-12 v Paulians I 24/9/66. Also 0—11 v Quintiniaris II 24/10/64, 1—11 V Salvatorians III 20/4/65, 1—10 v Uffs. 9/11/63
Cup defeat: 2-13 v Camndenians lIT 14/10/61.

Also 1-12 v Tenisonians III 13/10/62
Friendly defeat: 1—8 v Coldair 7/2/59 and 1-8 v Ealing BC II b/9/69.

Also 3—8 v Phoenicians III 14/9/74
Highest league position, Champions Division TI (est) 1974—75. Club record of 56 players used in a season 1960-61. 105 goals 19b5—66. Least against 40 in 24 game 1965—66. Most against 94 in 25 games 1964.-65. Most wins 17 in 1965-66, 2.974.-75. Fewest defeats 6 in 24 1965—66, 6 in 28 1974—75.


Fourth XI
League win: 9-7 v Kingsburians I c9/10/oO. Also 8-0 v Uffingtonian.IV 11/11/5, Cup win: 8-3 v East.Barnet IV 8/io/6o.

Also 7-2 v Old Ignatians IV 14/11/70
Friendly win: 15..2 v Josephians IV i/io/66. 1so 11—2 v L.E.Railway TI 9/1/60, 10-2 v Kilburn Poly 12/3/60, 10-5 v Alleyn OH 8/10/66
League defeat: 0—11 v Uffs.III 8/4/61. Also 2-10 v Buckweilians IV 7/10/67, 4-9 v Paulians IV 24/3/73
Cup defeat: 1-8 v Fincunians IV 7/1/61 and 1-8 v Tiffinians 10/11/73
Friendly defeat: 3-13 v Elysians IV 17/12/66. Also 0-10 v Kilburn Poly 19/12/59,

3—10 v Kingsburians IV 28/11/59
Champions Division VI(North) 1967-68. Semi-final L.0.B.Minor Cup 1970-71.
Highest league position 5th in Division IV(?Iest) 1970-71. Most goals 76 in 1970-71. 112 against in 20 games 1960-61. Least against 52 in 21 games 1967—68. Most wins 14 in 28 games 1970-71. Fewest defeats 6 in 21 games 1967-68. Lost six games by seven goals or more 1960-61.


Fifth XI
First match 2/11/74. Played 9 friendlies, won 4, lost 5, goals for 28, goals against 34.

‘7on 7—4 with 9 men. Lost 5-8, 0-7.
Easter Tours Total) of 11 tours since 1964 to Margate 3, Cliftonville 1, Eastbourne 3, Bournemouth2, Brighton 2. Played 42, won 26, drawn 8, lost 8, goals for 119, against 58. Highest win 9—0. Heaviest defeat 0—5. Player of the Tour: 1964 A. Devereaux, 1965 M. Green, 1966 W. Chambers, 1967 J. Gadsden, 1968 I. Grice, 1969 W. Secrs, 1970 B. Snellgrove, 1971 no tour, 1972 P. Howard, 1973 J. Haskell, 1974 M.Io2ls, 1975 no award.



First Xl: League 493 232 8? 174 1,094 958

Cup 100 57 10 33 274 203
Friendly 139 86 18 33 454 258
TOTAL 732 377 115 240 1,822 1,419

Second XI: League 447 175 75 197 1,114 1,149
Cup 60 26 2 32 145 145
Friendly 155 80 19 56 489 450
TOTAL 662 281 96 285 1,748 1,744
Third XI: League 335 143 36 156 825 875
Cup 40 18 1 21 111 121
Friendly 84 36 13 35 242 238
TOTAL 459 197 50 212 1,178 1,234

Fourth Xi: League 169 57 32 80 378 496
Cup 22 9 0 13 54 70
Friendly 43 18 4 21 164 166
TOTAL 234 84 36 114 596 732

Fifth XI: Friendly 9 4 0 5 28 34
Easter Tours 42 26 8 8 119 58




Most Goals in a Match

Phil Taylor’s 58-goal record comprised 46 for the Third XI. He scored in 26 out of six hat—tricks in a season.

Cyril Wigginton scored all his 43 goals (including five hat—tricks) for the First XI in 1954—55 and scored in 22 out of 27 games. He registered a record 31 in League games for any one team for the First XI in 1951-52. Arnold Bane scored 3,3,3,4 goals in consecutive matches for the Second XI in 1966—67 and equaled the record of six hat-tricks in a season. In his first season with the Old Manorians Football Club in 1974-75 Martin Blain scored in his debuts for all five teams. This unique record included the Fifth Xl’s first ever goal. In 1955, Garry May scored at least once per game in his first seven appearances for Old Manorians Football Club (all for First XI) for the First XI and 12 in two games 36 games and established the record.

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